
Kickoff provides a way of fine tuning specific settings through kickoff.config data structure. It is recommended to do this in a code which is conditionally unavailable. For example:

if __name__ == "__kickoff__":
    import kickoff
    kickoff.config.prog_name = "demo"
    kickoff.config.version_option = dict(version='1.2.3')
    kickoff.config.help_option_names = ['-h', '--help']

This is how we can keep the module reusable in environments where Kickoff is not installed.

Available options can be found in the table below. Corresponding example: ex05_customization.

Option Default Value Description
accept_imported False Inspect entire content of given module, not only functions and classes defined locally.
scan_recursively True Inspect classes (allows for creating command groups).
black_list [] Functions and classes to be explicitely skipped in the inspection process.
prog_name None Name of the application to be used in context help.
prompt_caption None Text to be displayed at the beginngin of the prompt.
prompt_suffix ``> `` Text to be displayed at the end of the prompt.
help_option_names None Dictionary to be unpacked to the arguments of click.help_option.
version_option None Dictionary to be unpacked to the arguments of click.version_option function.
enable_repl True Makes --repl option available in top level CLI of your application.
enable_gui True Makes --gui option available in top level CLI of your application (if only required dependencies are installed).
enable_didyoumean True Provides the user with suggestions about misspelled commands.
enable_history True Preserve history in REPL. History is stored in ~/.{prog_name}_history file.
command_wrapper kickoff.default_command_wrapper Function that wraps each of your commands.
error_handler None Custom exception handler function.